Monday, October 12, 2009

A Lesson from the Tooth Fairy

I carefully lifted Julia’s pillow to pull out a small, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag. Inside was one of her two front teeth, and a short note to the Tooth Fairy that read:

“Dear Tooth Fairy,

“I want P20.00 for my tooth… I Love You, Tooth Fairy.

“Love, Julia”

I quickly scribbled a note in my most feminine handwriting:

“Dear Julia,

“You have beautiful teeth. I am giving you P150.00. P50.00 for this tooth, and P50.00 for each of the two teeth that your Dada lost.


“Love, the Tooth Fairy

“P.S. – I Love You too.”

I folded the note and, together with P150.00, placed it inside the little plastic bag. Then I carefully put it back under Julia’s pillow.

The next morning, Julia opened her eyes to find me staring at her.

“Mama told me she pulled out your tooth – did it hurt?”

She shook her head sleepily at first. Then, realizing that it was already morning, her eyes just opened up wide, she suddenly exclaimed: “The Tooth Fairy!”

In one smooth motion she literally dived under her pillow! She re-emerged a few seconds later – her big, boogly eyes staring in disbelief at what she held in her hands.

“Oh no!” Julia gasped, “I asked her for P20.00 – and she left P100.00!” (she did not notice the P50.00 bill folded within the P100.00 bill yet)

“Dada, how will I return her change?”

I was surprised at this reaction – oh she was happy alright – happy that she received the money for her all too precious tooth.

But she was also concerned that she received more than what she asked for – and that she had to return what she knew was not hers in the first place.


From a seven year old with a missing front tooth.